Sunday 17 February 2008

OMG.... What a difference !!!!

Feb 07

April 07 June 07

I was looking at some old photos this morning and found these...... OMG what a difference 12 months can make with this band.

Sometimes you get complacent and think.... yeah.. I've done OK. But to looking at the before and afters I must say I have to give myself more credit.... I have done better than ok...... I have done GREAT !!!!!

Feb 08

I just hope that in 12 months time. I can look at this photo and think I have improved on this... Look how far I have come in this last 12 months !!!!

1 step at a time, 1 kg at a time... it all adds up, no matter how fast or how slow you are loosing it, it all makes a difference.............. A GOOD DIFFERENCE !!!!

If I can do this...anybody can

Cheers Tarn xxxx


Unknown said...

Wow - that is amazing! I can't wait to be able to do that

Anonymous said...

Hi Tarn,
You are looking fabulous, and you sound so happy!!
Keep up the great work.
All good with me - down to 83kg (OMG)

Unknown said...


You are looking fabulous!!! I'm two weeks in and feeling great and hope to have just as much success as you have had when I hit 12 months! You only have to look at your face (let alone the rest of you) to see how far you've come!

Well done girl!!


Unknown said...

you look excellent tarn!!!!

LapBandGirl said...

You look awesome honeybunch! Well done! :)