Tuesday 11 September 2007

Getting There

It feels like ages since I posted....sorry guys.

I have been busy and just haven't felt like talking about my band. I, as you know have had a lot of restriction but still struggled to loose weight, so I decided to peace out and not think about it (other than when I am eating of course). So I stopped visiting Lapband Threads, fellow bandster's blogs, and stopped reading emails from my bandsters support group, and just acted like a "normal" person for a few weeks.

And guess what??????

It seems to have worked, in 3 weeks I have lost 4kg. By not concentrating on the band and defining myself as a bandster I was able to chill out and let it take it's natural course.

Now this is not to say I haven't missed the support, because I definitely have, but I think I was toooo focused on it. I have now been banded for 4 months and lost 13 kg, it doesn't sound nearly as impressive as some of you wonderful banded people out there, but I am more than happy. I decided a few weeks ago that this was a 2 year journey, and I WILL reach my goal weight, it may just take the whole 2 years but that's ok with me........

Photos will follow soon

Tarn xxx


Anonymous said...

Well done Tarn. I'm avoiding scales and the like to concentrate on me eating/not eating and understanding my sense of fullness. Trying to get your head around it all and not eating 'cause the food is there.Who said this was an easy way out haven't had to change their way of eating. Again well done honey. Keep doin'what your doin'

Anonymous said...

You know there is this really cool saying that my pastor uses. 'You might not be where you want to be, but you arent where you use to be'. Hang in there. Sounds like you are doing great and like the good dietician says 'the longer it takes to lose the harder it is to gain'. Or something like that. Well done xx

Bunny the Lifeguard said...

Yeah you need to worry about YOU girl, not impressing people or listing to drivel on the forums.

4kgs is GREAT babe! You're doing fantastically!
Erin xox

Reney said...


Excellent news on the weight loss!

It doesn't matter if it takes you 2 months or 2 years or 20 years for that matter to get to your goal weight. You are on the path to a better you, what more could one ask for?

Keep concentrating on YOU, thats all that matters and thats what this is about. Enjoy the ride, live the experience and appreciate the changes happening to you.



Tarn71 said...

AAAAWWWWW I lub you girls

Tarn xx