Sunday 23 September 2007

4 Months Banded

Weight loss: 14.8kg


Chest: -10cm

Abdom: -8.5cm

Waist: -12.5cm

Tummy: -6cm

Hip: -13cm

Thigh: -8cm

Knee: -8cm

Ankle: -2.5cm

Upper Arm: -7cm

Neck: -4cm


Total : -79.5cm lost

I can't tell you how happy I am. This has already made a big impact on my life. I feel so much better and my kids are constantly telling me how great I look and how my belly isn't so big anymore. My Husband is thrilled and very proud of me and keeps talking about the future in terms of me being even thinner, and what he can't wait to see me wear when I am skinnier.

I am so glad I did this. 4 months on through all the drama and ups and downs, I definitely wouldn't change a thing. I love my band (Freddy).....

Tarn xxxx


Anonymous said...

TARNZ!!!!! You look AMAZING!!!! Well done babe.. I'm so so proud of you!! You certainly are quite the MILF! hehehehehehe and i'm not saying that in a lesbot way... you are HOT!!

xx Anna xx

jules said...

Tarn, Can see an amazing difference. Keep going your thing cause its working. You have a younger look or is that a look of contentment that things are now going to plan. Can elate wholeheartedly.


Borderline Lil said...

Gorgeous, just gorgeous! Apart from the obvious skinnier-ness, you just look so much happier and sexier. Fab! Well done, love Lil