Thursday, 5 July 2007

To All The Fat Bottomed Girls Out There

OMG this restriction business is strange (sorry to harp on about it) but now its finally here it seems the focus of my day. My soon to be bandit buddy Erin (mmwahh sweety) sent me a beautiful message telling me "chin up" and lots of other encouraging words that made me feel much better. She was worried that I had the bandit blues, but it's not that ... I am just pissed at myself for being daft, feeling guilty and in todays case hurting for making the wrong food choices.

Its like the feeling you have when you've had a video night at home by yourself and you eat pizza, chips and back it up with a block of chocy all because noone is there watching you and you CAN do it. Then after the last mouthful is in and you go.....holey shit what have I just eaten... wish I hadn't done that !!!

Thats what I have been feeling like. But I suppose its a process and I just have to get used to what I can and can't eat.... and you are right Erin , this is why we got banded, to have that little person (band) sitting on your shoulder (tummy) saying "what the fuck are you doing...don't eat that !!!!".... and boy is he there.

Actually that gives me an idea, I should name him.... yes him ...of course its a male who else would monitor my food, force me to loose weight, (eventually) make me sexy and ruin the eating and drinking fun....A MALE.....hahaha i've got it.... how about FREDDY....

Freddy..... The Food Police
Freddy......The Fun-buster
Freddy...... The Fat Blaster
Freddy..... The Flab Killer
and lastly
Freddy.... The (Fuck you look good.... have you been on a diet ) Tool!!!

hehehehehe.... I love it.... I am now singing Queens "Fat bottomed Girls " as a tribite from one Freddy to another..... and GOD I love both of my Freddy's.

and remember



Mel said...

LOL @ the band being a male! i agree with that bit and i havent even got mine in yet :P males always spoil our fun hey :P


LapBandGirl said...

Hey Tarn,

Just been reading your latest entries. I had this exact problem around the 2 month mark. I had my restriction yet I still seemed to be eating all the wrong foods - foods that wouldn't stay down, and those that would were bad for me. Then I realised something. My brain isn't banded... I still needed to work just as hard on my eating habits now as I did before I had a band wrapped around my stomach.
For a while I was not accepting of the fact that there would just be some foods that I wouldn't be able to eat ever again, and if I wanted to suffer the humiliation of a public PB all I had to do was eat what I wasn't supposed to and up it would come, in a crowded shopping centre no less. Trial and error, but I've figured it out now, and I'm losing consistantly and not PB'ing.
Unfortunately, banding your stomach does not deal with any emotional attachments you had with food... that's something you've still got to work on. Having the band just makes it a little easier :)

Will check back soon!

Erika xx

Bunny the Lifeguard said...

Update your blog gosh darnit Tarn!