Height: same
Weight: -3kg
Chest: -2cm
Abdom: -3cm
Waist: -4cm
Tummy: -3cm
Hips: -2cm
Thigh: -3.5cm
Knee: same
Ankle: -0.5cm
Up Arm: -1cm
Neck: -1cm
Total: -20cm
8kg loss = 43cm loss
I find this really hard to understand. How can I have lost mass (and it is starting to show in my clothes), yet in 2 1/2 months I have lossed 8kg and 5kg were in the first 10 days.
My work skirt is starting to get looser and my work shirt actually looks like it fits me now, and not like I had been been vacuum packed like one of those space saver bags. It made for interesting comments and looks from the old perves at work I can tell you.
These photos are
Left - pre-op Right - 2months post-op (down 8kg)

God I hate photos !!!!!!!!
Hi Tarn,
You are looking great!
I know you want scales to say different things, but just have a good look at your photos, you look fabulous!!
Well Done.
You go Girl.
Hey I can only see one chin, your face looks thiner and can I say.. so does your 'arse'.
If you ever wonder if people are tracking your loss.. let me assure you that they are.
SHIT you can really see it hey! Look at your face and tummy and bum! Great work tarn, remember, you will never be at that weight again!
You look fucking amazing. Look at your face and your bum and your gut. Frikkin brilliant.
For a split second ...a split one I thought to myself why hasnt her height changed??? Derrr (In my defence Ive just been to yoga and have been balancing my whole weight on my head so Im a bit on Planet Zukka Zukka at the moment)
I certainly can see the difference. Yep there is less chin and your face seems more contoured. Definitely the stomach has flattened from the side view. Keep up the great work. Remember no-one follows you with scales to see how much you weigh..they use their eyes to work out you've lost a shitload of weight
Tarn you look fantastic! Can't wait to be up there with you. You are inspiring!
Wow, you look like you've lost a whole lot more than 8 kgs. You're looking great!
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