Tuesday, 3 July 2007

Houston.... We Have Restriction......!!!!!

I have been a total slack arse, 2 weeks and no entries. Its not that I didn't want to, I have just been trying not to be obsessed with the computer... oh and I work too much I feel.

Well I went back on the 19th June and had my 2nd fill, Dr Tony added another ml to my already ineffective 5 mls, and I left feeling quiet confident that this was going to make a big difference....
....... WRONG !!!!!............. nothing, zilch, zip... I could still eat anything and although I wasn't starving, I was still hungry and eating too much (I felt). I was having a little restriction in the mornings and I had on a couple of occasions felt I hadn't chewed enough and I definitely can't eat bread and chicken was a hit or miss kinda thing, so I knew I was getting close to restriction.... BUT...My weight loss was pathetic and in actual fact I gained weight in the week between 1st and 2nd fill.... not happy Jan !!!

Last Friday I had another appointment booked with the dietitian and Dr Fill (heheh Tony). Firstly I went in to see the sinus infected, diet coke lecturing, off the general topic Dietitian with a plan not to pay good money to hear her complain about snot and water damage from the floods. I laid it on the line and told her I wasn't happy with my progress and felt I needed direction... a diet of sorts. Of course then I got the "This is not supposed to be a diet but a lifestyle change blah blah blah....." so I replied with "look... I didn't pay $4000 to put on weight I could have done that at Burger King for 100 bucks and a full belly"...ok...I didn't really say that ... but I wanted to.

I told her that while I was struggling I needed a plan (notice I didn't call it a f%#&ing diet... why do dietitians hate that word...it is exactly that..A DIET!!!!) Did she have a diabetic diet plan that perhaps I could follow?.. ok that out of the way and now feeling she actually earned the money that was paid to her I ventured into Dr Fill.

Tony was happy to give me another fill, I told him what I could and couldn't eat, and we both decided that 1/2ml was the best option, slowly...slowly... I didn't want to make an emergency call to him on the weekend to have some removed. I went out into the waiting room and drank the water easily and thought that perhaps I should have asked for a whole ml ...but hey too late now.

That night I struggled to eat some soup, Saturday for lunch I had some fried rice and threw it up, couldn't eat my porridge on Sunday morning and have basically been eating mushies since. I have wanted this restriction with a passion now for 7 weeks and when I finally got it I was in SHOCK.. I can't believe how restricted I am. I have to consciously remind myself to chew chew chew every bite... and I mean chew it to a pulp or else I have a problem and have to throw up. I can drink fine and eat pretty well if I chew and I am hoping that it will ease slightly in the next week, but I am very happy to finally have restriction...

On the bright side the scales are moving ..... and in the right direction this time. I will keep you posted on that part, I don't want to get too excited just yet !!!

Think Skinny.... Think Skinny !!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Thought that you'd got that p@#$ed off with things that you decided to lay low for a while. Remember your my Starship Enterprise...gone where I have failed to go. Glad to hear the news about those scales going in the right direction.
As for me 'm in Lap band Limbo Land. Don't get a fill until 9 July. Oh and had my first PB...yes over just plain ordinary rice... not enough moisture and the grains sticking together is my excuse. Keep up the good work and glad to see you blogging again
Jules (dream2bethin)

Lap Band Reney said...

Hey Girl,

So glad to see you back blogging. Ive missed you!!! May I offer a suggestion? Why see a dietician? I am not seeing one and I am really going well. I cant be bothered listening to what I should and shouldnt be doing, after so many years dieting I know what is good and what is bad for me.
If they dont want you to call it a diet then why the F**K are they call DIETicians? And you can tell her I said that. (hahahahaha)
