It's the silly season again , where we spend too much, eat too much and drink too much. I have definitely done all three. My weight is pissing me off. My restriction still isn't right, I can and do eat almost anything. I have another appointment tomorrow with Dr Fill, but part of me doesn't want to be too restricted over xmas. The other half doesn't dare want to not be restricted over xmas.... so what do you do?
I have gained a kilo in a month, and in the last 2 weeks have been from party to BBQ constantly, and although I haven't been too stupid, it all adds up. Especially when you haven't been having party food and alcohol very often for the last 7 months.
Above is a photo of me taken last weekend at my work xmas do. As usual I was being a clown but having a great time. I feel great and am getting lots of comments, but gee as usual we are the hardest to please I suppose. I just want to be thinner.....
I also want to be committed to a food regime and a exercise plan. I have not exercised in ages, I know that that is what is hindering my progress but I can't seem to find the motivation. Even the promise of looking better in swimmers hasn't done it for me.
Ok I am not about to use the New Years Resolution bullshit thing... I am staying away from false promises this year. I am grateful to be lighter than last New Years and aim to be lighter still by next. I have set myself a goal of another 15 kg by my birthday in April this will make me 85kg and I will reassess again then.....
Merry Christmas Everybody
Enjoy !!!!!
Love Tarn xxxx
Well Tarn you look fantastic and as you say you feel fantastic so why the obsession with the scales...I haven't been on them for ages so don't know how I'm going in that department. Have 7.5 Ml in my Sven and feeling restriction heaps. Anyway have a great Xmas.
You look absolutely positively fucking gorgeous!! Would you really look at your photo and see what a sexy woman you have become. < Insert wolf whistle right about here >
Im with Jules with the scales. I haven't weighed myself for so long who gives a shit what the numbers say its how I feel and how I look.
As for exercise just slowly ease yourself into it, maybe walk for 5 minutes one day and then slowly progress or do something that is exercise but not as awful as exercise say like belly dancing, yoga, tango classes. That sort of stuff. I do some sort of work out every day and I hate it Tarn BUT I have to do it if I want the weight to come off. Choosing fun activities sometimes takes the dread away.
Once again you look fucking amazing and I am sooooo proud of YOU.
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