After I laid there for 15 minutes each ear looking like a freaking birthday cake, with my 2 boys having kittens over the idea of the candle setting my hair on fire. I then proceeded to pull the candle apart and inspect all the goop that came out of my ears and got trapped in the candle (EEEWWWW very bad). .
I went off to bed saying to myself "Alls good, you'll wake up tomorrow all better".
I woke up yesterday morning feeling like hell warmed up. I had snot, I had fever, I had swollen glands, eyes were running and my fucking ears were still sore.... NOT HAPPY !!!
My hubby had the day off work, so I let him look after me (what a joke) I laid on the lounge dying and he stayed in his freaking shed the whole day, the few times he poked his head in he said "You right Chook?" and before I could answer "AAAAHHHH I'm dying I need a hug , can you make me a cuppa and get me some drugs". He had gone again.
Why do men hate giving sympathy. If I am crying, hurt, sick, sore neck or god help me pre menstrual... my husband becomes a sympathy retard.... gets this horrified scared look on his face and looks like rigor mortis has set in, trying to get a hug off him is like hugging a power fucking pole. why does this sort of shit scare them so much.?
Now don't get me wrong, He is cuddly, and smoochy and all that but if its empathy I am after then he is OUT OF HERE.....
Anyways.... I went to bed at 8 last night and slept til 8 this morning and still feel like crap. If I could just stop the nose from running, so I don't have to wipe my raw skinless nose with the aloe vera sandpaper (I mean tissues) I would be fine. I went off to work but I only lasted 3 hours and I left after a few casual requests from the girls I work with, seems they didn't feel like watching me dying either....
Sorry for the windge guys......
Au Revoir.............
1 comment:
You poor thing!!! Rest up, relax and pretend you are dying so you can lap up all the attention.
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