Settle on... I don't mean a baby
Well theoretically he is a baby, he is 12 weeks old and the cutest little thing you've ever seen. My new pup, a red cattle dog called Rusty. He looks like a little kangaroo with those ears sticking up. The boys adore him and he has made himself at home straight away. (meaning left a deposit on the floor for you guest it... his mama to clean up) He has taken to our other dog Bindii (5 year old blue cattle dog) straight away.
Back to the band. I was saying how my Dr & Dietitian wouldn't allow me to have a fill until I got to 6 weeks post op, through the week I had had enough, I didn't feel like I had even been banded, my portion size was growing and my willpower was waning. This was getting me down and making me go back to the old emotional eating habit... and I wasn't happy. So I called the surgery and spoke to Shandelle the receptionist and had a whinge and asked if I could insist on having one early. She said that there was no reason that I couldn't have a fill, I have paid all this money and I know my body better than anyone. So she made me an appointment for the following Wednesday... I was stoked.
Wednesday arrived and I went to my dietitian appointment, where she spent the 20 min telling me about the damage she sustained in the huge storms and flooding we had, so I left her with a receipt, a weight and very little other info (not happy). Then I was went straight into see Dr Tony (the fills Dr) it was the first time I had met him, and he was lovely. He asked how it was all going, what textured food I was eating, and how hungry was I getting. Answers... feel fine... can eat everything except hadn't tried steak, and hell yes I was hungry...
He popped me up on the bed and started poking around for the port. I wasn't nervous, and felt pretty happy about the needle thing and all...... until...... he says, (whilst prodding) "So do you think that is the port.... or this". My eyes opened so far I swear you could see them from the moon and my mouth dropped open and I said with a VERY shaky voice "WHAT ! Can't you tell, how would I know, I thought you would?". He then laughed and said of course he can, he was just testing me and swiftly rubbed the alcohol swab on and stuck the needle in.
It only felt like a tiny pinch and he said he was going to draw out to see if there was liquid there before putting any back in. We were both shocked to find out I already had 4 mls in the band (and I had NO restriction) so we agreed to have 1ml extra put in. So I now have 5mls in a AP Small 10ml Band.
All up it was an ok experience, It definitely didn't hurt, him prodding my tummy was more uncomfortable than the fill itself. I then went onto liquids for 24hrs and mushies for 24 hrs and back to eating solids again. I didn't feel I was restricted at all until I tried to have a piece of chicken and the following day a piece of toast. I must not have chewed enough, cause I got that damn (heart attack like) pain in the chest and had to suffer through it.
Chew, Chew, Chew Tarnya.......................
Since then I do feel like I need another fill, I still need more restriction and I haven't lost any DAMN weight.... it's so frustrating !!!!
Tarnya, glad to hear that you survived the flooding :)
With the weightloss I am excactly the same no weightloss at all and I am very close to restriction. It really does drive you crazy doesnt it!!
Goodluck, I love reading your blog it keeps me going with my band :)
Hey Tarnya,
I love the puppy..Rusty is so cute as is your little boy!!!
You will lose weight, it will all happen, just stay motivated and keep on moving. Walk as much as you can. Be positive, be strong, and remember only YOU know what and how your body feels.
Your puppy is so cute! Congrats on the new addition.
You probably do need another fill, but before you do.. go ahead and start counting calories as you read in my blog. You may find that you are full on 1200-1500 cal/day of the right healthy foods.. go to www.calorieking.com.au to find out the calorie content of certain foods so you can work it all out.
LBG xx
P.S. Glad you weren't too affected by the Long weekend weather. Looks like we're in for another beating today and tomorrow. I just hope some of it is going where it's needed!!!
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